Father's Rights Law Center



Are you a father or husband faced with a pending divorce?

Are you dealing with property division or child custody/support issues?

Being alienated away from your children?

These are serious issues that can permeate every area of your life creating emotional and financial distress.

I know because I’ve experienced it all myself.

Unfortunately, our legal system adds to all the stresses of divorce by leaning in favor of the mother by default. Without a careful strategic approach to your case, you could be at a disadvantage right from the start.

Welcome to the Father’s Rights Law Center.

We can help.


Contact us for a FREE Consultation.

Use the form below to contact us regarding your legal enquiry. Please be as detailed as possible. Include your industry along with any specific document requests. To help us best service your enquiry, we recommend that you first describe the issue you’re having before telling us what you want to achieve. You may also email or call us to make an appointment.



The man who can get the job done!

Posted by: Vassilies Papadopoulos

October 24, 2014 8:13 PM

5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I visited Peter 3 months ago with some marriage issues. He was able to understand my situation fully, and more importantly, he was able to come up with solutions to resolve the matter. He is a man with a lot of knowledge, integrity, and honesty. I highly recommend him not to my family, friends, and others.

Mr. Mueller and Father's Rights Law

Posted by: Nathan

October 30, 2013 9:10 AM

5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️

Mr. Mueller, is an extremely professional man. Incredible life story. A Gentleman of the highest standards at all times, and the grizzliest of bears when needed. A prayer answered for a Dad willing to fight to the death to protect one’s daughter. Long story short, I have 100% legal and physical of my daughter. My attorney and I agreed from day one, "no lies, games, spiteful moves, anger or trickery". This was how all Peter and Father's Rights Law works, period. This man and his staff are brilliant, understanding, patient, and willing to let the client(me) do as much work as I want. Incredible! I am so so so thankful for this man and his staff. He was my last choice as a lawyer, and I couldn't get through to him. I called begging to talk with him... Suddenly he started to text message me from the courtroom!!! Amazing! He agreed to meet me after hours and stayed to talk for a few hours, at no charge. His professionalism and scathing words will blow you away. I could go on and on about him and his staff... But my daughter is hungry, so I must go care for her now.

p.s. my case has some sensitive issues, all handled very well. They went in my favor as well.

I can highly recommend Mr. Mueller

Posted by: Delores

October 28, 2013 11:34 AM

5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I can highly recommend Mr. Mueller. He assisted me in a sensitive family matter when I felt overwhelmed by the personal circumstances involved. Mr. Mueller took charge and addressed the issues timely, compassionately, and effectively. I believed that his service and advice neutralized the aggressive position opposing counsel had contrived while at the same time limiting the emotional fallout that might otherwise have caused great anxiety for me and my family. And I found that his fees were more than reasonable considering the excellent and hoped-for outcome. I most appreciated that during this difficult time for me, Mr. Mueller paid close attention to my feelings, answered my questions, and took an approach on my behalf having consideration for my input and approval.

Unfortunately, I have undergone 2 divorces in the last 9 years— Fortunately, I have had Peter Mueller by my side for both

Posted by: Ananda

October 19, 2013 12:04 AM

5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Unfortunately, I have undergone two divorces in the last 9 years. Fortunately, I have had Peter Mueller by my side during both. Last month I celebrated my daughter’s 12th birthday. With Peter's help, I am now enjoying a 60/40 custody split, and I see my daughter 4 to 5 days a week. From the very beginning, Peter was attentive and genuinely concerned with my case. When I first sat down to tell Peter my story he listened intently for 30 to 45 minutes. After a few kind words and sound counsel, he then relayed back to me the exact scenario that I had just described to him in a snapshot. I was not only very impressed by his listening skills but more importantly, I felt that he did genuinely care about the tough spot that I was in. His caring translated into a desire to help me achieve a beneficial resolution for myself and for my daughter. He achieved this for me in both divorce cases. He always kept me well-informed and was not hard to get a hold of. Both of my divorce outcomes came out in my favor and I owe this to Peter for his sterling and exceptional legal representation and services. I have much appreciation and respect for Peter, and I would highly recommend him to anyone in search of an honest caring Lawyer who also happens to be a highly intelligent individual who is extremely well-versed in his field. Peter was personable and kind to me as his client. When Peter hits the courtroom floor he fills the room with confidence and authority. It felt really good to have Peter by my side through both divorce cases. I am very grateful for what he has done for me.

Areas of Practice

Child Custody

Since 1984, The Father’s Rights Law Center® has represented spouses in California in all areas of family law. Our unique law office works with husbands and fathers representing their rights during a marital dissolution. The Father’s Rights Law Center® does not believe that custody is right for every father, but that every father should have an equal right to custody.

Divorce can be an extremely difficult time for both spouses and minor children, and we work to ensure that the process is smooth, and that your interests are properly and fairly represented. To schedule your complimentary consultation immediately, call us today at 1-800-4-LAW HELP.

San Diego Military Fathers Divorce Lawyer

In San Diego, Father’s Rights Law Center® has represented military clients and their families for the past 30 years. Family lawyer Peter Mueller graduated from the Federal Maritime Academy graduate with honors and is a retired member of the United States Navy (formerly an officer).

The Father’s Rights Law Center® has been able to coordinate parenting plans for military clients while they are on deployment in a manner that has facilitated contact with the children while at the same time taking into consideration that the father or mother in the military is going to be serving their country. We help minimize support during deployment and take parenting time into consideration.

We are familiar with the Federal Uniform Services Former Spouse Protection Act (FUSFSPA) with regard to retirement issues and the 10 year rule as it impacts retirees and making payments to former spouse with regard to pension.


Protecting Fathers’ Custody Rights

One aspect of the Father’s Rights Law Center® program that has proved helpful for clients when initiating joint custodial parenting plans acceptable to the court has been our immediate involvement of prominent child psychologists for clients before the first court appearance to help the father prepare a reasonable parenting plan consistent with family history and needs. Father’s Rights Law Center® director Peter Mueller helps clientele with obtaining balanced and equitable custody sharing arrangements by involving experts of all types to assist in the case. California courts attempt to protect minor children during the divorce process and to lessen the emotional trauma the children may be experiencing. When spouses are not in agreement about custody of the children, the court establishes custody that is in the best interests of the child or children.

Doctor Divorce Lawyers

Like every father, doctors deserve the right to fair representation during divorce, especially in the circumstances of a custody battle. Our experienced lawyers here at Father’s Rights Law Center® are familiar with the special needs of doctors going through this painful process. We take into consideration the demands of your career and limited availability.

Types of Custody Arrangements

• Joint custody: parents share physical and legal custody.

• Sole physical custody: the child lives with and is under the supervision of one parent. The other parent may often have visitation.

• Joint physical custody: each parent has significant periods of physical custody.

• Sole legal custody: one parent has the right and the responsibility to make the decisions relating to the health, education and welfare of a child.

• Joint legal custody: both parents share the rights and responsibilities to make decisions concerning the health, education and welfare of the child.

We must all obey the great law of change. It is the most powerful law of nature.
— Edmund Burke